#CHRU – The Start of Something

I’ve no doubt that a raft of more pertinent posts will flood the blogosphere today, and indeed, I shall pen my own more detailed blog next week; but last night one thought was buzzing round my mind:

Q. What’s the value of social media?
A. Yesterday.

Yesterday was a DIRECT result of conversations on Twitter a year ago.
Which led to the growing of a small, like-minded community.
Which led to a tweet-up.
Which led to blogs.
Which led to discussions and provoked debate.
Which led to the community growing.
Which led to another tweet-up.
Which led to the community growing further.
Which led to a Yammer network and a website.
Which led to the organising of #CHRU.
Which led to yesterday’s successful unconference.


Call it a movement; call it a collective gathering of like-minded professionals; call it an opportunity to learn from people in other industries; call it an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise.

Call it what you want, but none of us would have been sat in that incredible space yesterday had social media not allowed us to facilitate the idea or our relationships with each other.

Viva la social revolution.

6 responses to “#CHRU – The Start of Something

  1. Nice summary, Callum. I would also add that tools like Twitter enabled me to follow/get involved with #CHRU even though I wasn’t there.

    One thing I would add is the part people play in this. At it’s core, ConnectingHR has some very enthusiastic advocates – their enthusiasm is infectious – and social media tools help amplify this and grow and cement relationships.

    Well done to the organisers and those advocates out there (you all know who you are) who are using the social web to create something tangible and useful for the HR community.

  2. Thanks Martin – and I didn’t mean to overlook the role of people. Obviously without the drive of Gareth and Jon, as well as the contributions and support of everyone behind the #ConnectingHR movement, none of this would have been possible. However, social media is the vehicle that helps to push this passion forwards and enables tangible results.

  3. Ditto – good summary. Great to be involve with such inspirational people – I only found out about the event from following a link on Twitter which lead me to to follow Jon. It’s also an enormous relief to go to something involved with HR which includes individuals from marketing and communications. The diversity of the delegates (or if it’s an unconference are we undelegates?) had a significant impact on what we all got out of the day.

  4. I agree completely Sarah. For me, the diversity not only in industry, but also in ‘level’ was great. As someone who is relatively young in their career, it’s amazing to sit with MDs of businesses, people with years and years of experience, that otherwise I would have NO way of talking to.

    Can you imagine if I set out to speak to the HR Director of so-and-so? How would I have done it ‘in the old days’? Could I have done it?

    Is social media the conduit that is finally breaking down professional barriers and eradicating the ‘Old Boys Network’? Can I now meet who I want in the virtual world and ‘expose’ myself (for want of a better word!) to people based purely on my merit rather than ‘who I know’?

    Exciting times!

  5. Pingback: #Chru Lightbulb Moments « Norton Folgate: The Recruiting Unblog

  6. Pingback: The Story of #CHRU… « Inside My Head…

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